6 Ways to Reduce Packaging Costs and Increase Profit
Looking to boost your profits while making a positive impact on the environment?

Reducing take-out packaging costs is the key! By cutting down on packaging expenses, you can not only increase your bottom line but also showcase your commitment to sustainability and streamline your operations.

Here's how you can achieve this goal:
Our Earth Our Responsibility!
6 Simple Ways Your Restaurant Can Go Green & Increase Customers:
1️⃣ Opt for compostable or biodegradable containers & utensils
2️⃣ Encourage customers to bring their reusable containers for takeout or leftovers.
3️⃣ Minimize Food Waste – Offer smaller portions or encourage customers to order based on appetite.
4️⃣ Source Locally - Prioritize locally sourced and seasonal ingredients to reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation.
5️⃣ Save Energy and Water - Implement energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and ventilation systems while using water-saving devices such as low-flow faucets and sensors.
6️⃣ Choose Eco-friendly Cleaning Products.